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Infineon Preferred Design House

Resulting from its close cooperation with Infineon, HighTec has been officially assigned as Preferred Design House (PDH). As PDH, HighTec provides Basic Support Services free of charge, operating as a generic technical help-desk to the customers for AURIX related topics. Design services or topics requiring substantial design or R&D effort are also delivered by HighTec, as part of HighTec Premium Services.

PDH Classic Support Services

Technical interface and support to the customers

24-hrs response time to the customer by email and/or phone to AURIX related inquiries.

  • Architecture/MCU selection advice
  • Project requirements and feasibility analysis
  • Documentation, SW and Tools guidance (incl. MCAL, SafeTlib and SHE+)

HighTec & Infineon product synergy

Technical help and advises on synergy of Infineon AURIX products and HighTec Tools and SW solutions to achieve optimal and effective result.

  • Safety Multicore Development Suite for TriCore/AURIX
  • TriCore Compiler benchmarking, for optimal code compactness and code speed
  • Effective and efficient coding with C compilers for HSM and GTM
  • PXROS-HR Safety Multicore Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for TriCore/AURIX
  • Build tool qualification to comply with ISO26262 and IEC61508 requirements

Online trainings

Introductory online trainings on various topics. Typical duration is 0.5 – 2 hours.

  • Infineon SafeTLib
  • Introduction Functional Safety Basics
  • Autosar MCAL Introduction (MC ISAR)
  • Build Tools (HighTec Toolchain)
  • HR RTOS Overview
  • ISO26262, IEC61508 Toolchain Qualification Kit (QKIT)
  • AURIX Architecture Introduction
  • GTM/MCS Introduction
  • Infineon iLLD/SW Framework Basics

HighTec Premium Design Services

Our Premium consultancy model is based on a specific agreement between a customer and HighTec PDH and aims to support customer-specific design activities. HighTec EDV-Systeme offers consultancy services, MCAL and SafeTlib tailored training, and much more to help you get started quickly in the AURIX development space. Additional information is available on our "MCAL and more" product page or PDH services brochure.