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C/C++ Development Platform

HighTec offers optimized automotive grade open-source based C/C++ compiler suites for applications with high safety requirements in automotive and industrial domains.



  1. HighTec utilizes GCC and LLVM based open-source technologies to develop safety qualified C/C++ compiler suites for leading microcontroller families and embedded microprocessors.
  2. Multiarchitecture support allows easy scaling of software between different MCU and MPU architectures
  3. Multicore support enables efficient and safe software mapping for homogenous and heterogenous multicore architectures

Supported Architectures

  • TriCore used in the Infineon AURIXTM microcontroller family TC2x, TC3x and TC4x
  • ARM v8-M, ARM v8-R 32-bit and ARM v8 64-bit
  • PowerPC Architecture used in ST and NXP microcontrollers
  • ARC EVx used for the PPU integrated in the AURIX TC4x family
  • GTM/ MCS
  • RISC-V
  • 8051/SCR as used as standby controller in the AURIX microcontroller family

LLVM Based C/C++ Compiler Suite

The modern LLVM open-source compiler technology for proven established and new microcontroller generations.

  • Most widely used C/C++ compiler with a huge support community
  • User friendly Apache 2.0 license terms
  • ISO 26262 ASIL D qualification package
  • HighTec has developed an optimized TriCore LLVM backend with leading benchmark results
  • Highly optimized for ARM targets and ARC cores
  • Superior Clang analysis support
  • C++14 and C++17 support
  • Fast build times
  • Advanced multicore support
  • Windows and Linux Host OS support
  • IDE with project wizard and board support packages

GCC Based C/C++ Compiler Suite

HighTec enabled the broadly used GCC technology to meet the strict requirements of the automotive industry:

  • ISO 26262 ASIL D qualification package
  • Extremely stable and reliable code generation, proven in use in many safety-critical automotive applications
  • Optimized Commercial standard and math libraries
  • Long term support and frozen version support
  • Highly optimized to the various targets such as TriCore and Power Architecture
  • Advanced multicore support
  • Windows and Linux Host OS support
  • IDE with project wizard and board support packages


  • TriCore / AURIX

    • TriCoreFull and complete support for all AURIX familiy: TC2x, TC3x and TC4x. Further info here
    • Proven GCC based C/C++ TriCore compiler for TC2x and TC3x
    • Widely used, modern and efficient LLVM based C/C++ TriCore compiler for TC3x and TC4x
    • Leading in benchmark results for TriCore
    • C/C++ MetaWare tool and SW set for PPU in TC4x family
    • C compiler for HSM in TC2x and TC3x
    • C compiler for GTM/MCS controller in TC3x and TC4x
    • C compiler for standby controller (SCR) in TC2x, TC3x and TC4x
    • ISO 26262 ASIL D qualification kit
    • Highly efficient code generation utilizing unique TriCore HW features (SIMD, loop optimization)
    • AUTOSAR MCAL driver support (including sales and on-site training)
    • Support for AUTOSAR BSW from all relevant AUTOSAR vendors such as Vector, Elektrobit or ETAS
    • Easy system integration with PXROS-HR safety multicore OS and iLLDs, MCALs, SafeTlib/ SafeTPack, etc.
    • Infineon Preferred Design House (PDH) with comprehensive technical support and training offerings and one-stop-shop for compilers and software
  • MetaWare for AURIX

    Synopsys ARC® MetaWare Development Kit for Infineon AURIX, distributed by HighTec

    • LLVM base architectures ensures seamless integration with TriCore code
    • C/C++ LLVM compiler optimized for the PPU, including extensions for Parallel C
    • Extensive mathematical library for the PPU
    • Runtime system for the PPU
    • Software package for inter-processor communication (IPC) between the PPU and the TriCore multicore architecture with two implementations: a simple bare-metal version and a version as AUTOSAR complex device driver (CDD)
    • MATLAB plug-in for generating PPU-optimized code with the Simulink embedded coder,
    • xNN software development kit (SDK) for building a neural network for AI/machine learning algorithms
    • PPU simulator and debugger

    Further info here

  • ARM

    • ARMC/C++ compiler for Cortex Mx/Rx/Ax
    • Support for NXP S32-series, ST Stellar (Cortex-Mx, Cortex-R52), Infineon TRAVEO II, TI Cortex-Rx series, Renesas ARM and many more
    • Auto-Vectorizer and Advanced Neon instructions (SIMD)
    • Adaptive AUTOSAR support (C++14)
    • Link-time optimization
    • Pipe-line optimization
    • Shared library support
    • Thumb2 instruction set
    • VFP support
    • Cortex M3/M4 support (incl. AURIX HSM)
    • C compiler for GTM/MCS
  • RISC-V

    • RISC-VFull support for RISC-V cores
    • Based on the latest LLVM technology
    • ISO 26262 ASIL D safety qualified
    • Zb* extensions for bit manipulation
    • Zv* extensions for vector instructions
    • Supports language standards (C++14/C++17)
    • Short build times, high code density, fast execution speed
  • Power Architecture

    • STMicroelectronics SPC56x, SPC57x, SPC58xPower Architecture
    • NXP Qorivva MPC56xx, MPC57xx, MPC58xx
    • Supporting VLS, SAT, LSP and pipeline optimized dual issue
    • Mix of NON-VLE and VLE var. length encoding instructions
    • Legacy NON-VLE to equivalent VLE code translation
    • Small Data Pointer functionality: about 20% code and run-time improvement
    • SIMD and FPU support
    • C compiler for GTM/MCS
    • Position Independent Code (PIC) and Data (PID)
    • Sales and support partner for AUTOSAR libraries from STMicroelectronics

    C compiler supports GTM/MCS v3.x and v4.x core level and derivatives like:

    • Infineon AURIX 2G - TC3xx series
    • STMicroelectronics Stellar, SPC58NE84E7, SPC58NE84C3
    • NXP S32-series, MPC5777M, MPC58xx
    • Renesas RH850/P1H-C, RH850/P1M-C
    • and upcoming variants with v4.x GTM core levels

    The Assembler supports all core levels of the GTM/MCS (V1 and later)

    HighTec's C/C++ compilers for AURIX, Power Architecture and ARM do include the GTM/MCS assembler in the delivery. The C compiler for GTM/MCS is optionally available as standalone solution.