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About us

HighTec EDV Systeme is a privately owned company since establishment in 1982 and the world's largest commercial open source compiler vendor. HighTec has offices in Germany (headquarter), Hungary, The Netherlands and China.

HighTec ensures independence for the future and the most reliable and secure tools for embedded software development. The HighTec C/C++ compiler is portable and always available for the latest chip revisions for our supported architectures ahead of general release.

PXROS-HR is HighTec's ISO 26262 ASIL D / IEC 61508 SIL 3 certified multi-core real-time operating system (RTOS) provides the highest level of data protection, functional safety and robustness.

HighTec offers complete development, training and consulting services in the areas of performance optimization, functional safety, porting from single-core to multicore systems and to the AUTOSAR environment.

Our innovative team is highly skilled and dedicated to quality. We are passionate about what we do and support our customers to both sustain and advance their market position.

Hightec has been assigned as Preferred Design House by Infineon and Preferred compiler partner by STMicroelectronics. Cooperation agreements in place with the semiconductor vendors, secure the long term availability of HighTec's development toolsets and guarantee automotive-grade support (incl. frozen version support, bug scanning compilers, etc.).


HighTec Development Platform
(C/C++ and Rust toolset)

Open (non-proprietary) compiler technology provides portability

Including our long term commitment to support all major silicon platforms through C/C++ compilers and Rust compilers:

  • TriCore, AURIX, AURIX 2G, AURIX 3G (Infineon)
  • ARM (Cortex Mx, Rx, Ax, incl. R52 and HSM)
  • RISC-V (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Power Architecture (STMicroelectronics and NXP)
  • GTM/MCS (Bosch, Infineon, STMicroelectronics, NXP, Renesas)

Cooperation with leading 3rd party software and development tool suppliers

  • Operating system and middleware vendors (Vector, Elektrobit, ETAS, ...)
  • Autocoding vendors (dspace, ETAS, Mathworks, ...)
  • Debugger vendors (Lauterbach, pls, iSYSTEM ...)
  • etc.

Supports functional development flow

  • For efficient development process
  • Software development independent from target architectures
  • Multi-Core transition support
  • State-of-the-art design methodology

Efficient solution

  • Maximizing flexibility for your investment
  • Portability of software knowledge to different hardware architectures
  • Minimization of training efforts
  • Development cycle time improvement
  • Continuous improvement process and extension of features and functionality
  • Advanced Multi-Core support

    • The proprietary solution for migrating to multi-core
    • Based on linker level (ISO and EABI compliant) - a portable solution for migrating to multi-core
    • Application code can be ported to multi-core without source code modification
    • Proven software can be easily migrated to multi-core silicon
    • Support of homogenous and heterogeneous Multi-Core architectures
  • Customer Support

    • Proactive customer relationships
    • Long term maintenance service for frozen compiler versions
    • Immediate response to support inquires
    • International support staff
  • Consulting

    • Design support for customization services
    • AUTOSAR implementation and training services
    • ISO26262 process support
  • Future developments

    • Hybrid CPU/GPU Task Programming
    • Transactional memory
    • Compiler options to minimize energy consumption
    • Advanced Testing / Verification / Certification